Spring Decluttering Made Easy: 10 Quick Wins for a Clutter-Free Home

Spring is in the air, and you know what that means—as we come out of hibernation it's time to roll up our sleeves and tackle the clutter. Spring brings a renewed sense of energy and zest for new beginnings.  I want to help you make spring cleaning spree a breeze with this quick start list of items you can let go of TODAY. 

Before we dive into the list, let's start with the basics. You’ll want to prepare for decluttering by setting up a station to keep you organized and efficient. Grab three bins or bags—one for trash, one for recycling, and one for donations—and station them in a central location in your home. This way, as you declutter each area, you can easily sort items into their respective categories without creating more mess in the process.

One final step before you jump into the list and start chucking things in a box, take some time to research donation and recycling options in your area. Many local charities accept donations of clothing, household items, and electronics, while recycling centers can help you dispose of items like old electronics, batteries, and appliances responsibly. Knowing where to donate and recycle your unwanted items will make the decluttering process feel even more rewarding.  If you live in Pierce or King County - be sure to grab a copy of my donation guides below:

Now that we've got our decluttering station set up and our donation and recycling options sorted, it's time to dive into the top 10 easy wins for decluttering your home this spring. These quick and painless tasks will help you make a big dent in your clutter without breaking a sweat.

  1. Excess Grocery Bags/Reusable Bags: Let's start with an easy one, shall we? Take a quick inventory of your stash of grocery bags and reusable totes. Keep a few on hand for future shopping trips, but recycle any extras that are taking up valuable space in your home.

  2. Tupperware Without Matching Lids or Bottoms: Ah, the eternal struggle of the Tupperware drawer. Take a few minutes to match up lids with their corresponding bottoms, and recycle any orphaned pieces that are lingering in the depths of your kitchen cabinets.

  3. Junk Mail: Say goodbye to those pesky piles of junk mail cluttering up your countertops. Sort through your mail and recycle any flyers, catalogs, or advertisements that you don't need.

  4. Expired Makeup & Hygiene Products: It's time to surf through your bathroom cabinets. Check the expiration dates on your beauty products and toiletries, and toss anything that's past its prime.  Not seeing expiration dates? Follow my guidance HERE

  5. Empty Packaging: Do you have a habit of holding onto empty boxes and containers "just in case"? It's time to let go of that clutter and recycle any packaging that's outlived its usefulness. And yes, you CAN throw away that iPhone box. There. I said it. 

  6. Electronics Cords to Unknown Devices: Every house has a drawer full of mystery cords and cables. Take a few minutes to untangle the mess and recycle any cords that belong to devices you no longer own.

  7. Ripped/Worn/Stained Linens and Towels: Your linens and towels should be soft and fluffy, not torn and tattered. Take stock of your linen closet and bid farewell to anything that's seen better days.

  8. Expired Food in Pantry/Fridge: Don't let that expired jar of salsa languish in the back of your pantry any longer. Take a quick inventory of your food supplies and toss anything that's past its prime.

  9. Socks/Underwear with Holes/Stretched-Out Elastic: Your undergarments deserve better than holes and stretched-out elastic. Treat yourself to some fresh socks and undies, and bid adieu to the old ones.

  10. Winter Hats/Coats/Gloves That Didn't Get Worn in the Last Year: If you didn't reach for it this winter, chances are you won't miss it next year. Donate any winter gear that didn't get any love this season and make room for springtime essentials.

Congratulations, my friends—you've conquered clutter like a pro! By tackling these 10 easy wins, you've cleared the way for a happier, more organized home.

Want more?!? Join my 5 ·10·15 Spring Decluttering Challenge that kicks off on March 19th on Instagram.

Sign up HERE


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